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One of seven Vanguard Gems—unique and exciting don’t miss movies from some of the festival’s most innovative artists.


Holly Herrick, Sarasota Film Festival

“A visual feast, a prayer – it carried me on a journey into the heart of things and put me out on the other side. Reordering, reorienting.”



“visually rich and spiritually fulfilling”
George Heymont, Huffington Post

Persons spent more than 11 years collecting and editing images for General Orders No. 9. Bittersweet images of lost chapters in American history fill the screen as the film’s narrator intones, “You are not a witness to the ruin, you are the ruin to be witnessed.” At 72 minutes in length, General Orders No. 9 is such a visually rich and spiritually fulfilling documentary that viewers may find themselves wishing for more. Read article here